
The Wonder Book of Things to Do: Indoors and Out of Doors

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How many times have we heard ourselves say that kids these days are missing out on the world, ensconced in television and video games? Give them this book and watch or join in! as they learn to improve their tennis serve, spin-bowl, find winter-loving plants, make a model railway, learn about ciphers and codes, optical illusions, tricks with the number nine, master an array of useful knots and many other fun and engaging activities that are all to often swept aside. This fantastic book gives a wealth of great ideas for how to fill free time. Each activity develops skills and knowledge and shows that there is always plenty to do and that everyone can get involved, whether it s learning a new trick, or improving at sports. It also gives a great insight as to how children entertained themselves before being inundated with technology and shows that it s still possible to have fun with nothing more than the great outdoors or a pencil and paper and, above all, imagination.



From tricks and tests to sports skills and crafts, model making, sketching, nature watching and team games, Things To Do offers a wide variety of pastimes to engage and astound all year long.